Our Purpose
The Oregon Friendly Driver course is taught and is organized by Commute Options, The Street Trust and the Lane Council of Governments. This class is based on the Bicycle Friendly Driver program was inspired by FC Bikes and Bike Fort Collins.
Our Purpose
The purpose behind the Oregon Friendly Driver Course is to make using the road network a safer experience for people by providing free online course certifications, webinars, and in-person classes. The Oregon Department of Transportation has been funding this program since 2017 to help create safer roads for everyone.
If You Are A…
Transportation Safety Advocate
Solo Driver
people walking and biking (vulnerable users).
Driver Education Instructor
Business Owner or Manager
Training your employees to be safer drivers is a great business practice. We offer the Oregon Friendly Driver curriculum to business
owners and managers, with in-person classes, individual online courses for employees and
group webinars.